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Sukrit Silas

  • Alumni
  • India
  • 2011 MPhil Pathology
  • Trinity College
Sukrit Silas

Sukrit Silas

  • Alumni
  • India
  • 2011 MPhil Pathology
  • Trinity College

Previous Education

Princeton University Molecular Biology, Applied and Computational Mathematics 2011
University of Oxford Biochemistry 2010

Colleen Silky Limegrover

  • Alumni
  • United States
  • 2018 PhD Clinical Neurosciences
  • Darwin College
Colleen Silky Limegrover

Colleen Silky Limegrover

  • Alumni
  • United States
  • 2018 PhD Clinical Neurosciences
  • Darwin College

Neuroscience has been considered one of the final frontiers of science; a labyrinth of cellular connections that we still barely understand. So much of what makes the brain amazing can also lead to devastating disease. The drive to discover solutions to unanswered questions has been my motivation as a research scientist. I have been provided the unique opportunity to develop my own experiments and lead projects which contributed to the breakthrough of a novel drug into clinical trials for Alzheimer’s disease. Seeing the impact innovative research has on patients’ lives has solidified my desire to pursue a career focused on scientific advancements in neurodegeneration. For my PhD in Clinical Neuroscience, I will study new methods identifying cellular irregularities in ALS with the use of patient derived cell lines. ALS was thought to be strictly a motor neuron disease, but recent advancements have shown that the support cells, astrocytes, could cause aspects of disease pathology. I hope that studying three dimensional cell organoids will shine light on new therapeutic pathways for patients in need and bridge the gap between conventional two dimensional cell cultures and clinical trials. I am honored to be joining the Gates Cambridge community, surrounded by diverse scholars working to make a difference around the world.

Previous Education

Allegheny College

Jay Silver

  • Alumni
  • United States
  • 2002 MPhil Comp Speech, Text & Internet Technology
  • Churchill College
Jay Silver

Jay Silver

  • Alumni
  • United States
  • 2002 MPhil Comp Speech, Text & Internet Technology
  • Churchill College

Rachel Silverman

  • Alumni
  • United States
  • 2013 MPhil Public Health
  • Clare College
Rachel Silverman

Rachel Silverman

  • Alumni
  • United States
  • 2013 MPhil Public Health
  • Clare College

After graduating from Stanford University in 2009 with a B.A. in international relations and economics, I spent the past four years working in international development research and practice, most recently with the global health policy team at the Center for Global Development. This year, I am excited to be pursuing an MPhil in Public Health with support from the Gates Cambridge Trust. Driven by the belief that we have an ethical obligation to save as many lives as possible with the resources at our disposal, my interests lie at the intersection of global health and economics, particularly with regard to efficient and equitable resource allocation (priority-setting) and incentive structures to maximize “value for money” in health policy. It is my hope that my studies at Cambridge will enable me to be a stronger advocate for evidence-based public health decision-making.

Anna Silverstein

  • Alumni
  • United States
  • 2004 MPhil Classics
  • King's College
Anna Silverstein

Anna Silverstein

  • Alumni
  • United States
  • 2004 MPhil Classics
  • King's College

Joshua Silverstein

  • Alumni
  • United States
  • 2010 MPhil International Relations
  • St John's College
Joshua Silverstein

Joshua Silverstein

  • Alumni
  • United States
  • 2010 MPhil International Relations
  • St John's College

Jing Xi (Rachel) Sim

  • Scholar
  • Singapore
  • 2023 PhD Architecture
  • Queens' College
Jing Xi (Rachel) Sim

Jing Xi (Rachel) Sim

  • Scholar
  • Singapore
  • 2023 PhD Architecture
  • Queens' College

Across the world, alternative political communities fight to represent the masses, ranging from that of alternative political parties, NGOs, to protesters that gather in the city. Through studying, conducting research, and teaching at the National University of Singapore, I have explored this at various urban scales, with the goal of illuminating political inequalities embedded in the city. I further pursued this goal as an MPhil student at the University of Cambridge, which deepened my understanding of these issues beyond Singaporean shores. Concurrently, I have also been involved in events designed to bring related theories into the everyday context. My proposed PhD study aims to explore the urban spatialities of diasporic communities in the UK, examining the social spaces required for political expression and relevant other issues such as social integration. I hope for my research to be a platform documenting the complexity of their stories, in so broadening traditional conceptions of migratory urbanisms. I am immensely grateful for the opportunity to continue my education at Cambridge as a Gates Scholar, and will continue developing my capacity as a leader and researcher who can meaningfully impact the community around me.

Previous Education

University of Cambridge Architecture and Urban Studies 2022
National University of Singapore Architecture 2021

Khe Sim

  • Alumni
  • Malaysia
  • 2001 MPhil Comp Speech, Text & Internet Technology
  • Churchill College
Khe Sim

Khe Sim

  • Alumni
  • Malaysia
  • 2001 MPhil Comp Speech, Text & Internet Technology
  • Churchill College

Megan Sim

  • Alumni
  • Singapore
  • 2009 MPhil Social and Developmental Psychology
    2010 PhD Social and Developmental Psychology
  • Sidney Sussex College
Megan Sim

Megan Sim

  • Alumni
  • Singapore
  • 2009 MPhil Social and Developmental Psychology
    2010 PhD Social and Developmental Psychology
  • Sidney Sussex College

My academic research and career has been driven by my passion for using evidence to improve the lives of others – particularly children and people who are disadvantaged and vulnerable. My PhD research examined what actually happens when juveniles are interviewed by police officers; in particular, I examined the interrogation techniques used by police officers, and the effectiveness of these techniques at eliciting different responses from the young suspects.
After completing my doctorate in 2014 I designed and led evaluations, including of UK and European public policy initiatives at RAND Europe in Cambridge, UK, and of international development projects at the Centre for Evaluation and Development in Mannheim, Germany.

Malina Simard-Halm

  • Alumni
  • United States
  • 2018 MPhil Criminology
  • Murray Edwards College (New Hall)
Malina Simard-Halm

Malina Simard-Halm

  • Alumni
  • United States
  • 2018 MPhil Criminology
  • Murray Edwards College (New Hall)

During my time at Yale, I have concentrated my studies on the ethics and politics of the criminal justice system with a particular emphasis on sentencing and alternatives to incarceration. While at Cambridge, I seek to further examine the limits of individual culpability in criminal sentencing, especially as they relate to racial and economic marginalization. By integrating sentencing theory with the study of crime's causes, I aspire to show that precluding identity markers of adversity from sentencing guidelines can often lead to more unjust outcomes. Outside of classes, I have spent time working with the Federal Public Defenders, the Legal Action Center (an advocacy organization for individuals with criminal records and substance use disorders), the New Haven Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD) program, and Yale Students for Private Prison Divestment. As one of the first children born to two gay dads through assisted reproduction, I am also proud to have advocated for LGBTQ families on the news and in the courtroom. I am lucky to serve as a member of the Board of Directors of the National Non-Profit COLAGE (Children of Lesbians and Gay Everywhere). I could not be more honoured to be joining the Gates Cambridge community to work and learn with others committed to thoughtful and effective social change.

Previous Education

Oxford University
Yale University

Aline Simon

  • Alumni
  • Germany
  • 2011 PhD Biochemistry
  • St Catharine's College
Aline Simon

Aline Simon

  • Alumni
  • Germany
  • 2011 PhD Biochemistry
  • St Catharine's College

I have recently graduated from Imperial College London with an M.Res. in Structural Molecular Biology after obtaining a B.Sc in Biochemistry from the Technical University of Munich in 2009. My decision to focus on the structural and biophysical aspects of biochemistry was influenced by two research projects in the field of DNA repair and RNA crystallography at the Immune Disease Institute in Boston, MA and at Yale University, respectively, in 2009 and 2010. At Cambridge, I am pursuing a PhD in Biochemistry, where I will have the opportunity to combine my previous research interests by structurally characterizing a protein factor that is part of the replisome progression complex (RPC) and thus is involved in DNA replication. With the dysregulation or dysfunction of RPC components being linked to genomic instability, I hope that my work in Cambridge will help to contribute to a better understanding of the mutual interplay of different RPC factors and to clarify their respective role.

Grant Simpson

  • Alumni
  • United States
  • 2017 PhD Chemistry
  • Christ's College
Grant Simpson

Grant Simpson

  • Alumni
  • United States
  • 2017 PhD Chemistry
  • Christ's College

I graduated from the University of Florida with highest honours and the equivalent of class valedictorian. There, I completed my B.S. degree double majoring in Chemistry and Cognitive/Behavioral Neuroscience with a minor in Philosophy. My previous research involvements have varied widely, ranging from healthcare disparities to behavioral neuroscience to stem cell biology to synthetic chemistry and pharmacology. I ultimately gravitated towards chemistry because I saw the unique power chemists possess to develop novel therapies and therefore profoundly improve an indefinite number of lives. Under the auspices of the Gates Cambridge Scholarship, I will be reading for an MPhil in Chemistry at Christ’s College, working in the Gonçalo Bernardes research group with the aim of developing new, more selective cancer therapeutics. In this project, we have chosen a bold and innovative approach of using quadruple helical DNA structures as platforms to hold both cancer-targeting antibodies and cancer-cell-killing drugs. Further, I will develop synthetic methods to chemically link these different classes of biomolecules (i.e., DNA and protein). With these novel and beautiful structures, we hope to circumvent the poor efficacy and terrible side effects of current, standard-of-care chemotherapy and increase the therapeutic utility of first generation antibody-drug conjugates, with the ultimate goal improving human life and patient outcomes.

Previous Education

University of Florida


Ankit Singh

  • Scholar
  • India
  • 2024 PhD History
  • Trinity College
Ankit Singh

Ankit Singh

  • Scholar
  • India
  • 2024 PhD History
  • Trinity College

Studies focussing on the historical analysis of labour in the global North require subjective reflections and reversal of location for a comprehensive understanding and comparison of the development of capitalism in the global South. I am studying the labour history, production regimes, and automobile industry of mid-20th and 21st-century India. I will be tracing the differences in the modes of production, modes of control, violence, resistance, and working lives in industrialized countries from those of the countries in the global South, particularly India. My methodological interests are labour historiography, economic history, and archival research. My academic focus stems from three years of involvement with labourers in the Gurugram-Manesar-Faridabad automotive region and my multidisciplinary study of labouring lives at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU). I am locating the ‘labour question historically’ and ‘regimes of production’ in the mid-twentieth (since the start of the auto-component manufacturing industry) and the twenty-first-century automobile industry in India. I am comprehensively mapping out the changes in class formation, [dominant] mode of production, working-class resistance movements, feminization, and state-capital-labour relations. Such a comprehensive historical account of the auto-sector workers is absent in the existing labour historiography. Although the concerns of the working class in the global South are increasingly becoming globally reflected in the scholarship, the labour history of the Indian automobile sector requires a clear distinction in location, temporalities, and concerns.

Previous Education

Jawaharlal Nehru University Development and Labour Studies 2022
Christ University, Bangalore Economics (Honours) 2020


Devani Singh

  • Alumni
  • Canada
  • 2011 PhD English
  • Emmanuel College
Devani Singh

Devani Singh

  • Alumni
  • Canada
  • 2011 PhD English
  • Emmanuel College

My research ranges across the late medieval and early modern periods (c. 1350-1700). I am a literary scholar and book historian interested in the relationship between early English books and their readers, a topic investigated in my work on Chaucer's early modern reception and on the emergence of printed epistles to readers in English books.

While at Cambridge I was extensively involved in the Medieval Reading Group at Cambridge and its associated journal, "Marginalia", and served as Chair of the Gates Cambridge Scholars' Council (2013-14).

Sofia Singler

  • Alumni
  • Finland
  • 2016 PhD Architecture
  • Pembroke College
Sofia Singler

Sofia Singler

  • Alumni
  • Finland
  • 2016 PhD Architecture
  • Pembroke College

My research examines how the Finnish modernist Alvar Aalto’s ecclesiastical oeuvre can enrich our understanding of the relationship between religion and modern architecture, and revise misleadingly uncomplicated assumptions concerning their mutual exclusivity.

Previous Education

University of Cambridge
Yale University

Aninda Sinha

  • Alumni
  • India
  • 2001 PhD Theoretical Physics
  • Gonville and Caius College
Aninda Sinha

Aninda Sinha

  • Alumni
  • India
  • 2001 PhD Theoretical Physics
  • Gonville and Caius College

I am currently faculty in the Centre for High Energy Physics group of Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India.


Urbasi Sinha

  • Alumni
  • India
  • 2002 PhD Materials Science and Metallurgy
  • Queens' College
Urbasi Sinha

Urbasi Sinha

  • Alumni
  • India
  • 2002 PhD Materials Science and Metallurgy
  • Queens' College

Urbasi Sinha is a Professor at the Raman Research Institute in Bangalore, India and also holds a Canada Excellence Research Chair at the University of Calgary, Canada. She heads the Quantum Information and Computing lab at RRI and is also an associate faculty member at the Institute for Quantum Computing, Canada. Sinha completed her PhD (2002-2006) and M.Sc. in Physics (2000-2002) at Cambridge University as a Gates Cambridge and Nehru-Chevening scholar respectively. Her research focuses on quantum information processing, secure quantum communication, and precision tests of quantum mechanics using single and entangled photons. Her recognitions include the Homi Bhabha Fellowship (2017), ICTP-ICO Gallieno Denardo Award (2018), and recognition among Asia's Top 100 scientists (2019). She received the Simon's Emmy Noether Fellowship at the Perimeter Institute (2020-2023) and led the winning team at the 2020 BRICS Future Skills Challenge in Quantum Technology. Recent honours include the ASSOCHAM Women in Cyber award (2021), SIES Chandrasekarendra Saraswathi National Eminence award (2023), a Distinguished International Associate award from the Royal Academy of Engineering, UK (2024), and the Rashtriya Vigyan Puraskar: Yuva Shanthi Swarup Bhatnagar award from the Indian government (2024).

Wilatluk Sinswat

  • Alumni
  • Thailand
  • 2001 PhD Land Economy
  • St John's College
Wilatluk Sinswat

Wilatluk Sinswat

  • Alumni
  • Thailand
  • 2001 PhD Land Economy
  • St John's College