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Ariane Elyse Welch

  • Alumni
  • Australia
  • 2007 PhD English
  • King's College
Ariane Elyse Welch

Ariane Elyse Welch

  • Alumni
  • Australia
  • 2007 PhD English
  • King's College

I completed my BA studies in 2005 at Sydney University, with Honours in English and Semiotics. While studying Systemic Functional Grammar, I was involved in research grant projects using Multi-Modal Discourse Analysis to analyse facial affect and expression in children’s literature, and as a research assistant studying the semiotics of embodiment in public political discourse. I work particularly in the field of stylistics, which is the use of linguistics in literary analysis. My PhD examines three modalities of social construal and research: modernist poetry, functionalist and materialist linguistics and linguistic theory, and marxist and critical theory. I intend to analyse the poetry of Louis Zukofsky, the linguistic theories of Volosinov and Hjelmslev, and the marxian and critical theories of Lukacs and Jameson. After my PhD, I'd like to enter the academy to teach and research in this area.

Orian Welling

  • Alumni
  • United States
  • 2009 PhD Engineering
  • Trinity College
Orian Welling

Orian Welling

  • Alumni
  • United States
  • 2009 PhD Engineering
  • Trinity College

Lea Wenger

  • Alumni
  • France
  • 2019 PhD Clinical Neurosciences
  • Fitzwilliam College
Lea Wenger

Lea Wenger

  • Alumni
  • France
  • 2019 PhD Clinical Neurosciences
  • Fitzwilliam College

What happens to the neurons in the brain? Why do they fail with age? Neurons have always been the centre of attention in the field. However emerging evidence shows how important certain sideline players are in shaping neuronal responses. Astrocytes are cells within the brain that provide neurons with the energy they need and a map for building new connections. They are also key in determining which neurons survive and which will die in the context of disease, but how they decide this is still unknown.

Since my undergraduate studies in Veterinary Medicine, undertaken at the University of Cambridge, I have been drawn towards the unknown. The extent of the knowledge left to discover in neuroscience and the rate at which the field is evolving drove me to pause my clinical studies to pursue a PhD in Dr. Lakatos’ lab. During this PhD, I will investigate the astrocytic response to injury and neurodegeneration. By looking at the evolution of this response through time in human stem cell cerebral organoids, I hope to reveal pathways that we may be able to target, to promote neuroprotection in cases of traumatic brain injury and/or neurodegeneration.

Previous Education

University of Cambridge Clinical Neurosciences 2019
University of Cambridge Neuroscience II/MVST Vet IA,IB 2017

Brandon Wesley

  • Alumni
  • United States
  • 2016 PhD Surgery
  • Sidney Sussex College
Brandon Wesley

Brandon Wesley

  • Alumni
  • United States
  • 2016 PhD Surgery
  • Sidney Sussex College

Growing up in New Jersey, my fascination with problem-solving and innovation inspired me to study chemical engineering at Villanova University. I graduated Summa Cum Laude with awards for being at the top of my chemical engineering class as well as Villanova's College of Engineering. Engineering aims to elucidate vast systems by developing elegant solutions to scientific problems, and I have directed this ability toward my studies in biology and bioengineering. I became interested in regenerative medicine after being exposed to stem cell-based therapies at the McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine, and by working on my undergraduate thesis in gene therapy to analyze how different genetic elements affected the uptake and expression of a plasmid vector in cancer cells. Regenerative medicine has tremendous potential for personalized treatment of a vast array of diseases. For my PhD in Surgery at the University of Cambridge, I will explore stem cell therapies for degenerative diseases, with a focus on correcting and differentiating induced pluripotent stem cells into specialized tissues. I believe in providing modern medicine to people around the world and eliminating prevalent diseases that cause countless deaths each year. I attribute my focus and perseverance to my training in Tae Kwon Do, which I began when I was 6 years old. My martial arts mentors and family members have provided guidance at every step of my journey. I am honored to join the Gates Cambridge community, whose scholars exhibit my same dedication to excellence and desire to see the world become a better place.

Previous Education

Villanova University

Tara Westover

  • Alumni
  • United States
  • 2008 MPhil Political Thought and Intellectual History
    2009 PhD History
  • Trinity College
Tara Westover

Tara Westover

  • Alumni
  • United States
  • 2008 MPhil Political Thought and Intellectual History
    2009 PhD History
  • Trinity College

Rebecca Wexler

  • Alumni
  • United States
  • 2005 MPhil History & Philosophy of Science & Medicine
  • Wolfson College
Rebecca Wexler

Rebecca Wexler

  • Alumni
  • United States
  • 2005 MPhil History & Philosophy of Science & Medicine
  • Wolfson College

Rebecca Wexler works on data, technology, and criminal justice. She has published with The Stanford Law Review, The Berkeley Technology Law Journal, The Yale Law Journal Forum, and The Yale Journal of Law & Technology. Her work challenging the trade secret evidentiary privilege in criminal proceedings has appeared in The New York Times, Washington Monthly, Slate, and NPR's The Takeaway. Rebecca is currently a law clerk to the Honorable Katherine Polk Failla of the Southern District of New York, and previously clerked for the Honorable Pierre N. Leval of the Second Circuit. She is a graduate of Harvard College, Cambridge University, and Yale Law School. She has worked as a Yale Public Interest Fellow at The Legal Aid Society's criminal defense practice and a Lawyer-in-Residence at The Data and Society Research Institute. Rebecca will begin as an Assistant Professor of Law at the U.C. Berkeley School of Law in 2019.

Previous Education

Harvard University

Joshua Weygant

  • Scholar
  • Germany, United States
  • 2023 PhD Engineering
  • Churchill College
Joshua Weygant

Joshua Weygant

  • Scholar
  • Germany, United States
  • 2023 PhD Engineering
  • Churchill College

"Can we print a functional intestine?" This was my first question when I saw how living cells were printed with a 3D printer. It's perhaps oddly specific, but due to Hirschsprung disease, a large part of my intestine was removed when I was a baby, and I spent countless days in the hospital. Therefore, I know how advances in science and technology can dramatically increase patients' quality of life, and these experiences formed my research interest. I first studied physics engineering at the RheinMain University, and then, during my Masters at the University of Freiburg, I fell in love with the field of biofabrication, which also led me to research at Brigham and Women's Hospital/Harvard Medical School. In Cambridge, I will investigate how we can utilize bioprinting to fabricate multi-organ-on-chip systems which potentially can be used for personalized medicine. Next to science, I am passionate about higher-education politics. I believe everybody, regardless of their social and economic background, should have the same opportunities for an education, which is simply not the case yet. I am incredibly honored to join the Gates Cambridge community and deeply grateful to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for their support.

Previous Education

Albert-Ludwigs-Universitat Freiburg Microsystems Engineering 2022
Hochschule RheinMain (HSRM) Physics Engineering 2018

Wim Weymans

  • Alumni
  • Belgium
  • 2001 PhD Political Thought
  • Gonville and Caius College
Wim Weymans

Wim Weymans

  • Alumni
  • Belgium
  • 2001 PhD Political Thought
  • Gonville and Caius College

Rachel Wible

  • Alumni
  • United States
  • 2017 MPhil Nuclear Energy
  • Darwin College
Rachel Wible

Rachel Wible

  • Alumni
  • United States
  • 2017 MPhil Nuclear Energy
  • Darwin College

I received my Bachelors of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the United States Naval Academy. While at the Academy, I quickly became accustomed to the discipline of a military lifestyle and was introduced to the technical advances of the US submarine force. I was intrigued by the way the US Submarine force uses nuclear energy to power their vessels. This program paved the way for safe and reliable nuclear power and quickly sparked my interest in nuclear engineering. While at Cambridge, I will be studying for an MPhil in Nuclear Energy. Currently, conventional reactors produce large amounts of radioactive waste that can be harnessed for future power production. I intend to research the next generation of nuclear reactors and their ability to utilize this spent fuel discarded from our current reactors. I recognize that our world must soon find a resource for clean energy, and I believe it can be found in nuclear power. The technical expertise from this degree alongside my future service in the military places me in a unique position to aid the nuclear community’s efforts to more effectively utilize power from all nuclear sources. I look forward to pursing my passion at Cambridge through the Gates Scholars Program.

Previous Education

United States Naval Academy

Rochana Wickramasinghe

  • Alumni
  • Australia
  • 2002 PhD Oncology
  • Trinity College
Rochana Wickramasinghe

Rochana Wickramasinghe

  • Alumni
  • Australia
  • 2002 PhD Oncology
  • Trinity College

My PhD is focussed on developing new tools to study the biology of proteins integral to cancer metastasis. More specifically, I am using peptide aptamers that bind to the matrix metalloproteinase MT1-MMP, that is over-expressed in many cancers, to try to discover novel functions of MT1-MMP. I am also interested in other aspects of science, namely science journalism, and in using the skills I have acquired during my PhD in other disciplines.

Klara Widrig

  • Scholar
  • United States
  • 2020 PhD Earth Sciences
  • Christ's College
Klara Widrig

Klara Widrig

  • Scholar
  • United States
  • 2020 PhD Earth Sciences
  • Christ's College

As early as I can remember, I dreamed of becoming a paleontologist. As my scientific interests expanded, I envisioned myself in a variety of different fields, but still wondered paleontology was actually where I belonged. During my second year at McGill University, I had the chance to join a field course in paleontology. After shoveling through sixteen tons of rock, I found a tyrannosaurid tooth and thought, 'I was born to do this.' Later, my interest in science outreach led me to the National Park Service, where I worked at John Day Fossil Beds National Monument, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, and Grand Canyon National Park. I began my MPhil at Cambridge in October 2019, and created an atlas of tinamou wing musculature using CT scans. Tinamous are the only flighted members of the Palaeognathae (ostriches and kin), the sister clade to all other modern birds. As a PhD student, I will use data from this project to reconstruct the ancestor of palaeognaths. Reconstructing this ancestor will shed light on the common ancestor of modern birds and help explain their extraordinary diversification into thousands of species. I am delighted to join this incredible community and continue my research at Cambridge as a Gates scholar.

Previous Education

McGill University Honours Biology 2017

Jonas Wieschollek

  • Scholar
  • Germany
  • 2023 PhD Law
  • Queens' College
Jonas Wieschollek

Jonas Wieschollek

  • Scholar
  • Germany
  • 2023 PhD Law
  • Queens' College

How and why do judges quote prior judgments when drafting new ones? This simple question is the driving force of my PhD project that offers a comparative analysis of judicial referencing in England and Germany from a historical perspective. After stumbling upon a little-known but enlightening piece by the Russian linguist Michail Bachtin, I realised the potential of linguistic methods for scrutinizing the language of the law. Building upon the training in Philology and Law I received in Berlin, Freiburg (both Germany), St. Petersburg (Russia), and Krakow (Poland), I suggest an interdisciplinary framework for the study of judicial referencing that will help to address fundamental challenges of the judiciary in the 21st century. When not promoting educational equality in academia or advocating the rights of refugees and migrants, I enjoy the world’s cultural diversity by diving into, among other things, the realm of pop music in various languages.

Previous Education

European University St Petersburg Philology and Art History 2023
Albert-Ludwigs-Universitat Freiburg Russian and German Studies 2021
Albert-Ludwigs-Universitat Freiburg Law 2020

Elizabeth Wiita

  • Scholar
  • United States
  • 2021 PhD Chemistry
  • St John's College
Elizabeth Wiita

Elizabeth Wiita

  • Scholar
  • United States
  • 2021 PhD Chemistry
  • St John's College

As an undergraduate studying Chemistry at Barnard College, I developed an interest in manipulating cellular structures and surroundings to improve global health outcomes. Before college, I had witnessed major disparities in health care while traveling abroad as an artistic swimmer for Team U.S.A., inspiring me to study ways to increase access to medicine: Diseases do not have geographic borders; everyone deserves treatment. I furthered my studies after Barnard as a Fulbright Scholar in Romania and through subsequent studies in the Chemical Engineering Department at Columbia University. During my PhD in Chemistry, I will explore the transportation of nucleic acids into cellular environments. This delivery of materials is fundamental to achieving targeted health treatments, including therapeutics, CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing, and vaccines. With this research, I seek to address not only crucial scientific questions, but also gaps in international medical care, where stable and easily transportable therapeutics are crucial in ameliorating health disparities. In the lab, I feel an overwhelming sense of comfort, curiosity, and responsibility; I look forward to the opportunity to enact change as a part of the Gates Cambridge community.

Previous Education

Columbia University Chemical Engineering 2021
Columbia University Chemistry 2019

Abigail Wild

  • Alumni
  • United States
  • 2004 PhD Criminological Research
  • Pembroke College
Abigail Wild

Abigail Wild

  • Alumni
  • United States
  • 2004 PhD Criminological Research
  • Pembroke College

With a diverse career in research and consulting that has spanned the US, the UK, Singapore and Australia, Abby has conducted research, program evaluation and communications work across a range of projects and clients. This includes designing and teaching courses in the fields of psychology and criminology at Cambridge, conducting behavioural research with cotton-top tamarin monkeys at Harvard’s Cognitive Evolution Lab, conducting doctoral research as a part of Cambridge University’s Prisons Research Centre and serving on the board of a venture capital firm.
​In her role as a consultant, she has worked to develop and test professional development frameworks for Australian universities, to evaluate the impact of school nutrition programs in the ACT, and to study the impact of ‘green’ design, architecture and programming in prisons. Abby directs grant-writing for a Hospice and Palliative Care organisation, and is on the board of the Australian African Foundation for Retention and Opportunity (AAFRO), a not-for-profit organisation that works to provide holistic social and educational support for young people of African descent in Melbourne.

Elizabeth Wilder

  • Alumni
  • United States
  • 2012 MPhil English Studies
  • Trinity Hall
Elizabeth Wilder

Elizabeth Wilder

  • Alumni
  • United States
  • 2012 MPhil English Studies
  • Trinity Hall

I grew up in Tucson, Arizona, and recently graduated from Reed College with a BA in English literature. In 2011, I received a Fulbright grant to Montenegro, where I taught English language and composition in the public university system and helped to coordinate education and outreach programs at American Corner Podgorica. I missed being a student, though, and am glad to be headed back to the stacks. My primary research interests include law and literature; nineteenth-century women's writing; the intersection of cultural studies and narrative theory; and the Victorian novel. I am especially looking forward to exploring the Cambridge archives, which contain materials relating to the unorthodox family arrangements of early feminist, queer, and social reform communities.

Nabil Wilf

  • Alumni
  • United States
  • 2007 PhD Biochemistry
  • St John's College
Nabil Wilf

Nabil Wilf

  • Alumni
  • United States
  • 2007 PhD Biochemistry
  • St John's College

I am an experienced investment banker in the power and infrastructure project finance team at Rand Merchant Bank in South Africa. I also have previous experience in leveraged finance, derivatives sales (interest rate/currency/commodities), and resource finance. My deal experience includes funding renewable energy projects, transport PPPs, and brownfield expansions for corporates. I am skilled in credit/investment analysis, financial modelling (cash flow waterfall models and 3-statement models), and structured financing for private equity funds, investment holding companies, ultra high net worth individuals, and large corporations. Prior to entering investment banking I obtained a PhD in molecular biology and worked as a researcher in the fields of microbiology, synthetic biology, protein engineering, and stem cells. Prior to this I spent time in the Middle East on a Fulbright Fellowship and became proficient in Arabic (oral/written).

Sophie Wilkowske

  • Alumni
  • United States
  • 2017 MPhil Political Thought and Intellectual History
  • King's College
Sophie Wilkowske

Sophie Wilkowske

  • Alumni
  • United States
  • 2017 MPhil Political Thought and Intellectual History
  • King's College

Previous Education

Columbia University

Anita Williams

  • Alumni
  • United States
  • 2020 MPhil Technology Policy
  • Pembroke College
Anita Williams

Anita Williams

  • Alumni
  • United States
  • 2020 MPhil Technology Policy
  • Pembroke College

I am one generation removed from illiteracy, violence against girls, and preventable disease - all prevalent conditions in my family's home country of Sierra Leone. My background moved me to pursue my BA in Justice and Peace Studies at Georgetown University. My concentration on Gender and Violence later led me to the anti-child sexual exploitation space at Google, where I worked on Child Safety Operations. During my time as a partner on this dedicated team, I gained practical knowledge on the challenges that tech giants face. At this unique intersection of human rights law and technology policy, there are engineers, legal professionals, and policymakers making strides in the fight against platform concerns like child exploitation and violent extremism. However, communication, technical proficiency, and prioritization barriers slow our progress towards a unified front against these crimes. At Cambridge, I hope to gain the business acumen to influence leaders in emerging markets to adopt and contribute to industry standards with their localized experiences, so that we as a sector are prepared for evolutions ahead. I am grateful to join the Gates-Cambridge community and to learn from peers who share a commitment to improving lives.

Previous Education

Georgetown University Gender and Violence 2017