Born and raised in Pasadena, California, I completed a BA in Humanities at Yale University, where I developed a strong interest in religion, culture, and the arts, examining national monuments and memorials as sacred space for American civil religion. As an MDiv student at Candler School of Theology, Emory University, I took my interest in religion, culture, and the arts to Christian theology, where I used the discourse of theological aesthetics to re-conceptualize the doctrine of personhood in African American women’s experience. As an MPhil student in Theology and Religious Studies at Cambridge, I will further my focus on theological aesthetics by turning to music to examine how the phenomenon of beauty sheds light on justice in the doctrine of Creation. In this research, I will engage classical and feminist theology with insights from other fields where music and the language of beauty pervade, such as mathematics and evolutionary science. I seek to illuminate the integral relation of beauty to justice and the import of the aesthetic in comprehending the whole of life. As a candidate for ordination in the United Methodist Church, I understand this research to deepen our conception of ethics and to advance its concrete application. I am delighted and honored to join the Gates Cambridge community.
Yale University
Emory University