Born in Brooklyn, New York and currently residing in New Jersey, I obtained my B.S. in physics at Rutgers University. Propelled by my desire to search for the fundamental truths in the physical reality that we live in, I chose to partake in experimental high energy research. This field is extremely exciting to me because with the completion of the Standard Model in 2012, it is believed that the next discovery will significantly push the boundaries of what we know and enlighten us to what truly are the most fundamental particles of this universe. Having worked with data from the Large Hadron Collider on searching for evidence of supersymmetry for 3 years, I also worked on future collider experiments with fellow physicists at Cambridge’s Cavendish Laboratories. Currently, I am residing in Geneva, Switzerland in anticipation for the results of run 2 of the Large Hadron Collider, which began in June of 2014.