

Sara Habibi

Sara Habibi

  • Alumni
  • 2011
  • Canada
  • MPhil Education
  • Homerton College

I completed my doctorate at the University of Cambridge, Faculty of Education in July 2017. I currently work in the Division for Peace at the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) in Geneva, Switzerland. I am seconded to the UN from the Swiss Department of Foreign Affairs, as a member of the Swiss Expert Pool for Civilian Peacebuilding. At UNITAR, I advise and design capacity-building programmes in international peacekeeping, peacebuilding, gender & inclusivity, justice reform, youth and women's empowerment, and mental health & psychosocial support (MHPSS). In parallel, I continue to research, publish & teach in my areas of interest.

During my PhD, I investigated the role of education in promoting peacebuilding and reconciliation following violent inter-group conflict. My study employed a social-ecological methodology to look comparatively at three parallel education systems in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Data collection and analysis combined social-psychological, sociological, and political perspectives. For my MPhil at Cambridge, I conducted a phenomenological study of peace educators in post-conflict Bosnia-Herzegovina, investigating the mediating influence of their personal and social identities on their peace education practice.