During my study in Melbourne, I took part in a project for resettlement of displaced rural communities in the Peruvian Andes. This experience reinforced an interest in post-conflict societies already developed through five years of active involvement with human rights NGOs in Stockholm. It also convinced me of the importance of researching transitional justice and the role of Truth Commissions in furthering dialogue and democracy. During my MPhil in Latin American Studies at Cambridge I looked at discursive narratives that emerged alongside the Peruvian Truth Commission’s report. In my PhD I will attempt to expand this and explore the way in which bystanders understand/represent the conflict that tormented Peru during the 1980s/90s and its aftermath. I plan to work with non-profit organisations in Sweden and Peru, contributing to the development of strategies that allow a constructive and successful dialogue between the communities of perpetrators, bystanders, and survivors.
University of Cambridge MPhil in Latin American Studies 2007
University of Melbourne BA Hons (History and Political Science) 2006