

Christopher Rumball

Christopher Rumball

  • Alumni
  • New Zealand
  • 2007 MPhil BioScience Enterprise
  • Wolfson College

Work as a doctor in Afghanistan in 2002 for Medecins sans Frontieres illustrated to me the importance of very simple maternal and child health care in improving survival and the quality of life in children. My recently completed doctoral thesis, which studied the role of maternal nutrition around conception in the developmental origins of health and disease, further emphasised the critical importance of good maternal diet to the long-term health of her children. However, provision of healthcare in developing countries is challenging and requires robust, cost-effective, well-proven interventions. I am particularly interested in the application of technology to health problems in the developing world, for which there is huge potential, and the business models that may serve to develop these solutions. The Masters in Bioscience Enterprise in Cambridge provides the ideal combination of science and business education to allow me to pursue these interests.