

Laura Porro

Laura Porro

  • Alumni
  • United States
  • 2004 MPhil MPhil Earth Sciences
    2005 PhD Earth Sciences
  • Selwyn College

It is an honor to have received a Gates Cambridge Scholarship. Pursuing a PhD at Cambridge is a wonderful experience and it was a joy to meet and work with such a diverse and passionate group of people. My doctoral dissertation involved using a range of techniques, from classical anatomy to finite element modeling, to better understand diet and feeding in early plant-eating dinosaurs. My research identified key evolutionary changes in skull and tooth shape among early dinosaurs that allowed them to exploit new food sources and fueled their extraordinary success.

After a series of postdoctoral positions, I am now a lecturer in anatomy at UCL, teaching first and second year medical students and carrying out research in evolutionary biomechanics, investigating the link between form, function and large-scale evolutionary patterns in vertebrates.

Previous Education

University of Cambridge MPhil Earth Sciences 2005
University of Illinois at Chicago