

Christopher Kirchhoff

Christopher Kirchhoff

  • Alumni
  • United States
  • 2001 MPhil MPhil, Social & Political Science
    2002 PhD Social and Political Science
  • Sidney Sussex College

Christopher Kirchhoff is a strategist in emerging technology. Most recently, Kirchhoff created and led the Pentagon's Silicon Valley Office, Defense Innovation Unit X, with its $1 billion investment portfolio harnessing emerging commercial technology for national security innovation. Previously he was Director for Strategic Planning at the National Security Council, Special Assistant to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Senior Advisor to Presidential Counselor John Podesta. Kirchhoff authored the White House report on Big Data & Privacy, the NSC after-action report on Ebola, the Space Shuttle Columbia Accident Investigation report, and the U.S. government history Hard Lessons: The Iraq Reconstruction Experience. Kirchhoff graduated in History and Science from Harvard College and holds a doctorate in politics from Cambridge University, where he was a Gates Scholar. He has been awarded the Secretary of Defense Medal for Outstanding Service and the Civilian Service Medal for hazardous duty in Iraq.

Previous Education

University of Cambridge MPhil, Social and Political Science 2002
Harvard University AB History 2001