

Bronte Jones

Bronte Jones

  • Scholar-elect
  • Australia
  • 2024 MPhil Health, Medicine & Society
  • Jesus College

During my undergraduate studies in anthropology and sociology, I developed a strong interest in medical anthropology, expanding my understanding of social inequality and the impacts of health disparities in Australia and around the world. Since completing my honours degree, I have been working as a Research Officer at the Social Ageing (SAGE) Futures Lab at Edith Cowan University, where I have contributed to research on social and cultural care, and diversity in ageing.

I am thrilled to become a member of the Gates Cambridge community. During the MPhil in Health, Medicine, and Society at Cambridge, I will undertake a research project exploring the experiences of trans and gender diverse people who have accessed assisted reproductive technology, drawing on the fields of medical anthropology, the sociology of reproduction, and gender studies. Following this, I intend to pursue doctoral studies and continue a career in social research that allows me to advocate for improved access to health and social care for marginalised and medically underserved communities.

Previous Education

Australian National University Public Health 2023
University of Western Australia Anthropology and Sociology 2021