

Lisa Valentini

Lisa Valentini

  • Scholar
  • Italy
  • 2024 PhD Applied Mathematics & Theoretical Physics
  • Clare Hall

Mathematics suits how my brain works: I enjoy connecting concepts, much like trails and paths connect places on a map. In my studies at the University of Genova, I have developed a strong interest in harmonic analysis and functional analysis, which represent an exciting fusion of analytic questions, algebraic tools, and topological substrates. Upon completing my Master’s degree with a thesis in time-frequency analysis within the University of Vienna’s Applied Harmonic Analysis cluster, I am thrilled to commence my journey in Cambridge and join the Applied Functional and Harmonic Analysis group. Despite my attraction to abstract theory, I am fascinated by how pure mathematics is utilised to investigate problems related to concrete applications, and the AFHA research team embraces this approach. I aim to contribute actively and dynamically to the Cambridge and Gates communities, and to be inspired by the exchange of knowledge and ideas between their members.

Previous Education

Universita Degli Studi di Genova Mathematics 2024
Universita Degli Studi di Genova Mathematics 2022