

Tomás Tancredi

Tomás Tancredi

  • Scholar
  • Brazil, Italy
  • 2024 PhD Social Anthropology
  • King's College

I grew up in Florianópolis, southern Brazil, where I graduated as a psychologist at UFSC. I moved to Rio de Janeiro for a master's degree in Sociology and Anthropology at UFRJ, shifting my focus to the impact of illegal gold mining on Indigenous Territory. Since 2020 I lived in northern amazon combining humanitarian action with field research. I have been working for UN Agencies and indigenous organisations and I've witnessed a great deal of extreme violence on the region; strikingly, most of it resulted from good intentions combined with anthropological ignorance. During my master's, I researched the topic of indigenous suicide focusing on ethnological concept of the amerindian body. The northern Amazonian region has faced an ongoing political transformation: from highly segregated and autonomous political villages to highly associated interethnic organisations. Today new indigenous political forms of action and creative institutions in situations of contested sovereignty arise as responses to predatory extractivism such as ilegal mining, paramilitary forces and State control.Building on recent debates inspired by Amerindian thought, I will investigate interconnected concepts such as body and sovereignty; freedom and dependency.

Previous Education

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Social Anthropology 2023
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Psychology 2017
Universita Degli Studi Bologna Antropologia Culturale