

Kyle Nickel

Kyle Nickel

  • Scholar-elect
  • Canada
  • 2024 PhD Biological Science at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
  • St Catharine's College

I have always had a lifelong curiosity about science, particularly molecular biology. I am excited to be doing my PhD in Dr. Simon Bullock’s lab at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology. My PhD will focus on understanding how cargos are transported around the cell. Investigating the molecular basis of how cargos are recognized and transported is important for our understanding of how cells work. It also gives insight into human health, as defects in this process are associated with diseases such as neurodegeneration.

I am also passionate about science communication, and I look forward to sharing science with others. The Gates Cambridge scholarship will allow me to do research in an exciting environment as part of a new community. My desire to move abroad for a PhD is influenced by the experience I had during my Rotary Youth exchange. I lived in the Netherlands for a year, and the chance to live in a new country with new friends and family was immensely rewarding.

Outside of the lab, I am excited to visit as many medieval castles as I can find. I look forward to riding my bicycle all around the Cambridge area. Hopefully there are castles within biking distance of Cambridge.