I hail from Nigeria, where I pursued my undergraduate studies in Geography at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. During my time there, I developed a profound appreciation for the intricate dynamics of our natural world and the role of geography in shaping societies and environments.My academic journey sparked a deep-seated passion for sustainable development, particularly in Africa's energy sector. This passion led me to co-found Greenage Technologies, a project aimed at harnessing renewable energy to combat energy poverty and environmental degradation in Africa.Inspired by the potential of technology to drive positive change, I am now embarking on a new chapter of my academic journey. As a recipient of the Gates Cambridge Scholarship, I will pursue an MPhil in Technology Policy at the University of Cambridge. This program aligns perfectly with my mission to leverage technology, education, and policy to foster sustainable change in the African energy sector.Through my studies and initiatives, I aspire to not only address the pressing challenges of our time but also to inspire others to join me in creating a more sustainable and equitable world. Outside of work and academics, I enjoy playing and watching football.
University of Nigeria
London School of Economics & Political Science