

Sanjiv Ranchod

Sanjiv Ranchod

  • Scholar
  • South Africa
  • 2022 CPGS Computer Science
  • St John's College

During my BSc in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics at the University of Cape Town, I developed a passion for Category Theory and Mathematics Education. The former presented to me a framework of insight into the mathematical questions I had encountered through my interest in the field, while the latter expressed a means for me to contribute to the upliftment of young, interested students in South Africa. In continuing to my MSc in Mathematics I explored these interests further and, in particular, studied internal categorical structures, while gaining teaching experience at the university. The opportunity to read a PhD at Cambridge supported by a Gates Cambridge Scholarship allows me to further explore my interests in Internal Category Theory, Categorical Logic and Internal Languages and to make meaningful contributions to these fields. I hope to engage with a cohort of educationally interested students to further my growth as a teacher. It is my intension to help grow the Category Theory – and general mathematical – community in my home county as well as help improve the state of mathematics education at its tertiary institutions.

Previous Education

University of Cape Town Mathematics 2022
University of Cape Town Mathematics 2020
University of Cape Town Maths and Applied Maths 2019