

Thomas (D’Arcy) Williams

Thomas (D’Arcy) Williams

  • Alumni
  • United States, United Kingdom
  • 2019 MPhil Public Policy
  • Clare Hall

Raised in Ghana by parents working in global health, I was inspired to address health inequalities. Moving to Washington D.C., I entered the diverse public school system and learned the convening power of listening and empathy. These values served me well at McGill University where I earned a First Class Honours BA in International Development. Passionate about the role of health in development, my summers were spent working on public health programs in Kenya and Nepal. Outside academics, I played McGill Varsity Soccer and co-founded a social business, Heart City Apparel, which used street art to support homeless charities in 6 countries.After McGill, I worked on global health policy for the Clinton Global Initiative and Population Services International. I then became a Peace Corps Volunteer in Cameroon where I lived in a remote village and spearheaded malaria and HIV/AIDS programs. Working alongside and for a community foreign to my own, taught me about leadership in the context of the collective fight for health equality. I learned that the most effective way to improve the lives of others is to build their capacity to empower themselves. I am honoured to be joining the Gates Cambridge community and to be surrounded by scholars who share the common desire to make a positive impact. I hope to harness the MPhil in Public Policy to influence the global health agenda and put communities at the centre of decision-making in the era of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

Previous Education

McGill University Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in International Development 2015