

Rachel Wible

Rachel Wible

  • Alumni
  • United States
  • 2017 MPhil Nuclear Energy
  • Darwin College

I received my Bachelors of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the United States Naval Academy. While at the Academy, I quickly became accustomed to the discipline of a military lifestyle and was introduced to the technical advances of the US submarine force. I was intrigued by the way the US Submarine force uses nuclear energy to power their vessels. This program paved the way for safe and reliable nuclear power and quickly sparked my interest in nuclear engineering. While at Cambridge, I will be studying for an MPhil in Nuclear Energy. Currently, conventional reactors produce large amounts of radioactive waste that can be harnessed for future power production. I intend to research the next generation of nuclear reactors and their ability to utilize this spent fuel discarded from our current reactors. I recognize that our world must soon find a resource for clean energy, and I believe it can be found in nuclear power. The technical expertise from this degree alongside my future service in the military places me in a unique position to aid the nuclear community’s efforts to more effectively utilize power from all nuclear sources. I look forward to pursing my passion at Cambridge through the Gates Scholars Program.

Previous Education

United States Naval Academy