

Natasha Turkmani

Natasha Turkmani

  • Alumni
  • United States
  • 2017 MPhil Energy Technologies
  • Churchill College

Through my travel experiences in Romania and Southeast Asia, I realized how the environment critically determines human development conditions, such as health, safety, and economy. My passion for climate change mitigation motivated me to study Civil & Environmental Engineering at Princeton University, where I quickly recognized the multitudinous benefits of renewable energy solutions. During my summer internship at the World Bank, I discovered how clean energy could help low income countries become energy independent, improve human quality of life, and reduce global carbon emissions. As an MPhil in Energy Technologies at Cambridge, I seek to address the trade-offs of deploying bioenergy in the transport sector, investigated through the lens of environmental sustainability and energy efficiency. I am honored to be joining the community of Gates Cambridge scholars and look forward to exploring the applications of energy technologies towards global development.

Previous Education

Princeton University