A webinar for international applicants will be held on 16 November.
Gates alumni and the Gates Cambridge Trust will be holding a webinar in November for US applicants on how to apply for a scholarship.
The US Application webinar will be held on 16th November at 20.30 [8.30pm] GMT.
Trivi Arun, Co-Chair of the Gates Scholars Alumni Association, Daniel DiCenso, GSAA Director of Communications and Kirsty Simons, Scholarship and Alumni Officer at the Gates Cambridge Trust, will be on the panel.
They will give a presentation covering how to make an application, information about undertaking graduate study at the University of Cambridge and the experience of living and working as a Gates scholar. This will be followed by a Q & A session.
To register interest, go to: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/173856394
Picture credit: jscreationzs and www.freedigitalphotos.net