Gates Scholar wins Soros Fellowship

  • March 17, 2008

KRISHNAN SUBRAHMANIAN is currently Border State Director of Obama for America, supplementing field efforts for the presidential campaign. He has deferred matriculation at Stanford’s Medical School until the Fall of 2008. As an undergraduate at Harvard, he was elected President and first class Marshal of the class of 2003. He graduated magna cum laude with a major in Social Studies. While at Harvard he taught and then directed City Step, a program to empower children through the medium of dance. He also founded and directed the Cambridge Student Partnership, a student organization that connected needy Cambridge and Boston residents to community resources available to serve them. For three summers during these years, Krishnan served as a counselor and theater instructor at the Hole in the Wall Gang camp in Connecticut for children battling life-threatening diseases. That experience led to his being awarded a year-long Richardson Fellowship in Public Affairs, which he used to initiate a camp in southern Africa for orphans and children suffering from HIV/AIDS. After returning from South Africa, Krishnan joined Teach for America, under whose auspices he taught special needs high school students on the Rosebud Indian Reservation in South Dakota. Building on his experience as a teacher, he received an MPhil in Education from Cambridge where he was a Gates Cambridge Scholar. Krishnan plans to study Community Medicine at Stanford and then to return to South Dakota to start a comprehensive community health center. Now 26, Krishnan was born in St. Paul, MN. His parents emigrated from India; and currently live in Texas. They are naturalized US citizens.

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