Gates Cambridge seeks new Provost

  • January 18, 2013
Gates Cambridge seeks new Provost

Gates Cambridge Trustees are now seeking to appoint a Provost (CEO) from 30 September 2013 to lead one of the most prestigious international scholarship programmes in the world.

The Gates Cambridge Trust was founded in 2000 from a generous endowment of $210m from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The endowment is managed to provide funds in perpetuity for Scholars to be fully-funded for MPhil or PhD programmes at Cambridge. To date, the Trust has provided Scholarships to over 1000 postgraduate Scholars from 95 countries to study at the University since 2001. The original value of the endowment has been preserved and the Trust can look forward to fully-funding Scholars at current levels far into the future. Currently, 90 new Scholars are admitted every year.

The Trustees are now seeking to appoint a Provost for the Gates Cambridge Trust to succeed Professor Robert Lethbridge when he steps down from that post on 30 September 2013. The Provost is the senior executive for the Trust. Candidates must be well-respected and experienced members of the University or a College who can provide strategic leadership to the Trust, be an ambassador for its Scholars and alumni, and be able to promote the Trust’s objects to wider society. The post will be remunerated at 50 per cent of point 83 on the University’s pay scales (£100,854, pay award pending) and may be held alongside another University or College office, subject to the necessary permissions. Alternatively, the Trust would be willing to buy-out 50% of the time of the person appointed by compensating his or her department or College accordingly. The work of the Provost will require flexibility of commitment and a willingness to travel. An appointment will be made for five years.

The Trustees have established an appointment committee for the post, chaired by the Vice-Chancellor. The committee expects to recommend an appointment to the meeting of the Trustees on 31 May 2013. Interviews for the post will be held on 26 March 2013.

Those interested in applying are requested to submit a letter of application and curriculum vitae to the Registrary, University Offices, The Old Schools, Trinity Lane, Cambridge, CB2 1TN, by 1 March 2013.

Further written details may be obtained by contacting the Registrary, the Secretary of the Gates Cambridge Trust, by email at Potential candidates may also wish to speak to the Vice-Chancellor and/or Professor Lethbridge in confidence before applying.

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