Gates Cambridge Class of 2024 announced

  • April 17, 2024
Gates Cambridge Class of 2024 announced

75 new Gates Cambridge Scholars have been selected to form the Class of 2024

We know that our new Scholars will flourish in the rich, international community at Cambridge and we trust that they will go on to have a significant impact in their various fields and more broadly, tackling the complex global challenges we face today.

EilĂ­s Ferran

The Gates Cambridge Class of 2024 made up of 75 outstanding new scholars has been officially announced.

The Gates Cambridge scholarship programme is the University of Cambridge’s flagship international postgraduate scholarship programme.

It was established through a US$210 million donation to the University of Cambridge from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in 2000. Since the first class in 2001, Gates Cambridge has awarded 2,183 scholarships to scholars from 114 countries who represent nearly 800 universities globally, and more than 80 academic departments and all 31 Colleges at Cambridge

This year 75 Gates Cambridge Scholars from across the world will join the community when they start their studies in the autumn. In addition to generous funding to do their research, with no age limit on candidates, they will benefit from the strong sense of community and identity that has been forged by their predecessors and an absolute commitment to improving the lives of others.

The scholars, 69% of whom are doing PhDs and 31% MPhils, represent 29 different nationalities. This year sees the first Gates Cambridge Scholars from Nicaragua and Libya and 25 universities are represented for the first time. They include Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, National Cheng Kung University in Taiwan, Obafemi Awolowo University in Nigeria,  the Universidad Centroamericana in Nicaragua, the Universite de Bordeaux in France and the University of Mauritius.

Professor Eilís Ferran, Provost of the Gates Cambridge Trust, said: “I’m delighted to announce the Gates Cambridge class of 2024. These scholars, who have been selected by our expert Selection Panels, are a reflection of the mission of the Gates Cambridge Trust established through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s generous and historic gift to the University of Cambridge – to change the world for the better.

“We know that they will flourish in the rich, international community at Cambridge and we trust that they will go on to have a significant impact in their various fields and more broadly, tackling the complex global challenges we face today.”

*A list of the class of 2024 on the Gates Cambridge’s Directory page and a feature story on the announcement can be found on the University of Cambridge website here. Picture of Scholar-Elect Kerem Çıtak.

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