Gates Ambassadors reach out to prospective applicants

  • October 2, 2009

As part of the Gates Ambassadors program, Gates alumni have been giving information sessions about the University of Cambridge and the Gates Cambridge Scholarships.

A number of the 24 Gates Ambassadors have given information sessions at a various universities in the USA and other countries. Sessions have recently been held at a number of universities in the Boston and Los Angeles areas. Sessions include a Powerpoint presentation, alumni perspectives on the Gates Cambridge experience and lots of time for questions and mingling.

The Gates Scholars’ Alumni Association is always keen to reach out globally, both to academic institutions and talented young people interested in pursuing graduate study at Cambridge. If you would like an Ambassador to hold a similar session in your region or college/university please see the full list of Ambassadors or contact the program coordinator Hilary Levey with any questions.

The Alumni Association has also organised a webinar about the Gates Cambridge Scholarships, primarily for a US audience, which can be heard here. Another webinar, primarily for a non-US audience, will be held on October 8th – further details are available here.

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