Coffeehouse on Breaking into Politics

  • December 7, 2009

This teleconference discusses the challenges, strategies and rewards of youth engagement in politics.

The past few years have seen an electrifying transition in the relationship between youth and politics.   With the maturation of social media and communication tools, a younger generation of citizens are now able to engage in political elections, campaigning, advocacy and the political process in unprecedented numbers.  This wave of youth participation has brought with it a new energy and perspective, but also brings a new set of social, professional and political challenges.

This teleconference discusses the challenges, strategies and rewards of youth engagement in politics.  Panelists are individuals between the ages of 22 and 35 who have been closely associated with politics or have held elected office in the U.S. or Europe.  Specific topics include:

·        Running for office

·        Developing a platform

·        Pursuing fundraising and support

·        Utilizing information technologies

·        Life in office


·        Mr. Matthew Varilek, Economic Development Director for Sen. Tim Johnson (Gates Cambridge Scholar) (moderator)

·        Ms. Kesha Ram, Member of the Vermont House of Representatives (Udall Scholar)

·        Ms. Bethan Jenkins, Member of the National Assembly for Wales (TN 2020)

·        Mr. Jamarr Brown, Vice Chair for the South Carolina Democratic Party (Gates Millennium Scholar)

·        Ms. Marietje Schaake, Member of the European Parliament, Netherlands (TN 2020)

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